I have worked on short-term research projects as part of my undergraduate, graduate studies, and independently. Some with university labs, as well as in the industry.
In most cases the results were not made public in any way. Here is a list of some of them with a brief description.

Source Separation: A Generative Approach

Masters research internship at Deezer Research, Paris.
Supervision: Romain Hennequin and Gabriel Meseguer Brocal
Keywords: Source separation, music generation, enhancement, neural codecs, token-based generation

Timbre and Choral Blending Analysis of Uruguayan Murga Singing

Independent research project with a short paper accepted at TIMBRE2023 and a conference paper accepted at CAICU2023.
A first approach to computationally aided musicological analysis of Murga singing through a comparative study.

Chamber Music Recording and Informed Music Source Separation

Group project at the ATIAM Masters, Ircam.
Supervision: Benoit Fabre and Mathieu Fontaine
Keywords: Music, Source separation, Non-Negative Matrix Factorization, Live Recording, Acoustics

Predicting Wind Turbine Power with Deep Learning

Project undertaken as a Assistant Researcher at the Institute of Electrical Engineering, University of the Republic
Supervision: Pablo Massaferro
Research into Deep Learning applications for modelling of wind flux in wind farms.

Music Style Translation with Supervision DL methods

Year-long "research and innovation project" as an M1 student with the ADASP group, Telecom Paris.
Supervision: Ondrej Cífka, Gaël Richard and Umut Simsekli